Attention explorers! With the sun setting later, the Drive-thru Safari Park is open until 6 PM—giving you extra time for adventure! The last car enters at 5 PM, and giraffes head to bed at 5 PM.

corporate social responsibility policy

Our Social Objectives

environment. workplace. our guests. community.

Wild Florida believes in the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (CSR) by voluntarily contributing to cultivate a better society and cleaner environment. Our goal is to exceed the ethical, legal, commercial and public expectations of our company and have an overall positive impact on our community. We are committed to maintaining compliance with both the spirit and the letter of the law.

As an organization that profits from the beautiful Florida Everglades, we ascribe to a higher standard. We are partners with the swamp and recognize our interdependence with the environment we love. Our desire is to be transparent and ethical in all our dealings while contributing to the community around us in a positive way.

The core values that define our company CSR policy are as follows:

  • Fierce commitment and respect for our environment
  • Unforgettable customer service
  • Reputation, reputation, reputation
  • Constant communication and loyalty to our team members
  • Openness and transparency
  • Responsibility to support our community
  • Respect and equality for all people
  • Adherence to the highest ethical standards of public service

Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies

Wild Florida strives to accomplish great things through four social objectives:

1. Environment

  • We acknowledge our biggest stakeholder is the ecosystem around us. We have a responsibility to identify and manage the way in which we impact it. We are committed to continually improving our environmental performance and moving towards best practices in corporate sustainability. As soon as the electric airboat is perfected, we will be first in line to buy one! Steps we are taking:
  • Reduce the environmental impacts of existing operations and ensure that the environmental impacts of new operations are fully assessed and reduced prior to their introduction.
  • Minimize our current consumption and re-use instead of disposing of materials where possible.
  • Promote recycling and use of recycling materials.
  • Reduce, wherever practicable, the level of harmful emissions from our airboats through slower speeds and acceleration.
  • Dispose of all waste and hazardous materials in a responsible manner.
  • Partner with and follow the rules, guidelines and regulations from the Department of Environmental Protection.
  • Partner with the Florida Fish and Wildlife to help manage the sustainability of our Everglades.
  • Support community programs that promote environmental protection, education and restoration.
  • Donate annually to foundations and charitable groups that support our environment.

2. Workplace

  • We are continually reviewing and addressing the needs and aspirations of team members through the following steps:
  • Constant communication and empowerment of our team to look for and make improvements.
  • Developing a culture of diversity and global acceptance of all people.
  • Promoting work-life balance, health and well-being policies.
  • Maintaining our commitment to equal opportunity for all employment opportunities.
  • Encouraging involvement in groups/projects that support our community.

3. Our Guests

  • We pledge to provide unforgettable customer service and recognize that without our customers we would be nothing. We must exceed their expectations and our guiding principles.
  • We pledge to provide unforgettable customer service and recognize that without our customers we would be nothing. We must exceed their expectations and our guiding principles.
  • Resolve any customer complaints in a timely manner.
  • Ensure we have the proper channels established to collect feedback from our guests, suppliers, vendors and subcontractors.
  • Maintain transparency and honesty in our pricing, policies and strategies; our reputation is priceless.

4. Community

  • Commitment to our community is crucial to our sustainability. We need the support of those we live and work with. Our goal is to support and reinvest in our surrounding area to ensure the success of our business and community. Steps we are taking:
  • Identify a charity or foundation each year that supports our region and work together with team members to raise the necessary funds to donate.
  • Encouraging team members’ involvement in groups/projects that support our community.
  • Support for a wide variety of local groups, organizations and fundraisers, and be members of all chambers of commerce and convention bureaus associated with our region.
  • Support and partner with local school districts to further education in our community.
  • Giving Back to the Animals – Florida Panther – Everyone who visits Wild Florida has the opportunity to help save the endangered Florida panther. After each airboat ride, our guests can participate in a hands-on gator show where they learn more about the American alligator. During the show, guests can even hold and take a photo with one of our friendly live gators. Since the American alligator no longer needs human intervention to survive, Wild Florida has committed to donate a percentage of our alligator picture proceeds to The Friends of the Florida Panther Refuge (FFPR).
  • We are excited to partner with The Friends of the Florida Panther Refuge and support their efforts to protect and conserve this amazing animal. FFPR is the official support organization working hand-in-hand with FWC to create and promote a better understanding and appreciation of the Florida panther. Their mission is to be an active advocate and supporter of this endangered species. Wild Florida is proud to help support and improve the status of the approximately 100 Florida panthers remaining in the wild today. By purchasing alligator pictures, you are giving back and helping bring the panther out of endangerment. Please join with us in saving our beautiful Florida panthers.
  • In August 2017, Wild Florida began to offer a limited time VIP Sloth Experience to allow guests to go inside our two-toed sloth exhibit and actually hold one of our sloths. During this 30-minute encounter, guests are allowed to hold, feed and interact with our sloth while learning more about their daily routine, natural habitat and even snap a #slothie (sloth + selfie). A portion of the funds raised by the VIP Sloth Experience will be donated to the Sloth Sanctuary of Costa Rica to help their efforts in the preservation and conservation of sloths in the wild.